werewolf's Articles In Object Desktop
February 16, 2005 by werewolf
Couldn't find a 'right-click' section, so here goes... Can anyone tell me where right click starts from? I have found it in 'Startup (user)' but I can't find it anywhere else. The reason I ask is that when I boot up, the right click 'edit desktop menus' window shows up. I can duplicate that by trying to start right click again, so RC must be starting twice on boot up, but I can't find the second location. I don't use the MCP (that I know of) It's not set to start in the SDC options men...
June 27, 2013 by werewolf
What conditions have to be met in order for the "Work" live folder to be used? I have folders which only have documents using "Work" I have folders which have sub-folders using "Work" But I also have both of the above situations where the normal live folder icon is being used.   Win 8 64 bit Latest IP version   Thanks, David