"...The famous U.S. hospital would have to take her seriously, Baloch knew, when it realized she was prepared to post its confidential patient records on the Internet. That is, unless UCSF helped her get the money she was owed from the mysterious Tom Spires, her link in a long chain of medical transcription subcontractors.
Read the full story. I'ts mind blowing if you don't already know the extent to which your personal, private, information is traveling the world.
Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 11, 2004
Don't visit this unless you want unstoppable pop ups ad nauseum from sfgate.com - I use System Mechanic and it failed to stop them, BEWARE !!!!
on Oct 11, 2004
Its okay if you got firefox. You only get one extra window.
on Oct 11, 2004
one pop here. I am in explorer and I should be in FireFox right now.
on Oct 11, 2004
Oh and this report is something that was know for a while in tech circles (well at school at least) we talked about it a lot and was in white papers on the net. You can't just send anything over seas. Some companies don't really grasp that.
on Oct 11, 2004
No pop-ups on Opera...

and yeah, it does knock any trust you can have in companies.
on Oct 11, 2004
Pop-ups blocked and a 'double-click' SpyBot alert...
on Oct 11, 2004
This kind of stuff violates the Health Information Portability and Privacy Act of 1996 (HIPAA) in major ways. Somebody at UCSF is going to find their head on a platter by the Federal government.

HIPAA has STRICT regulations regarding the privacy and confidentiality of patient records. For Pete's sake. I had to take HIPAA training regarding our research data, and we were simply asking project participants to report on their own health.

If somebody as UCSF doesn't lose their job over this, somebody else isn't doing their job correctly. UCSF is responsible for those records, even if they contract for transcription.
on Oct 11, 2004
supposedly even the government outsources to india. At least that's what an employee at the INS centre in SLC told me a while ago (she referred to a callcenter in india). If the government does it, why shouldn't businesses think it's ok?
on Oct 11, 2004
Any govenmental job outsourced, should be eliminated. Any governmental person authorizing outsourcing or advocating it should be fired or impeached. I remember reading this along time ago, and marveling at the boodoggle it was concerning HIPA. Makes ya wonder what the Brownshirts at Homeland Security are really doing, besides wasting money on an infrastructure plan for the failed airport TSA, and encouraging tthe facade of Terror Alerts and preparedness while footing none of the addition cost doing such, and fostering hysteria. Capitolism at work Kids get used to it. The working man had the power and it was stolen from you by the corporations "AGAIN." They've let the Unions Break themselves in greed and power chasing vanity, the lobbyist have stolen the "American Dream" and handed it to the Real Super Class Citizens of the US, the Corporate Entity as a Body Politic. Outsourcing of the birthrites of millions of Americans, is mearly the beginning. Cry for the crappy "china" manufactured "goods" sold in WallyWorld, and every 99 cent store throughout the land. Each piece is a small sliver and slice of America being sold up the River. Cry for the "Rights" being stolen from Americans by the Supreme Courts, and Greedy Politicians looking to get to the troughs and slaver the milk of conspiracy, betrayal and averice. Cry for the Never Ending and Eroding legal System, where a State (Colorado) can flaunt the American Voting System and Eschew a popular vote to try and circumvent a legislative descision and abjugate it's legislative responsibilities while attempting to apeal to a media fed self righiousness, and claim moralality and fairness is at stake, when it is actually trying to snare an election and mire it in controversy and create another election debacle, like Florida was assumed to be. Cry for the Overbloated and Burdened Governmental Tit Festooned with Leeches, Contractors and Pork Chasing Beurocratic flotsam and Jetsom. Every Dollar wasted in Corporate Handouts, is a Nail in the American Economy and a Stake through the Heartland of the American People. The Great Depressions was obviously a lesson lost to the American Government.
I watched my Wifes Company get outsourced, my whole division at MS is now in India, or parts unknown, and just about every Tech Support, Banking, Cable, Bell South Issue I have needed help with has ended, with a pashti, or other foriegn sounding dialect, Thanking me for the call. WWHen someone works for 55 cents and hour it doesn'tmatter where the job went, as long as it went. If you Outsource you employment from the US, you should not be able to sell goods in the US, plain and simple.Any jobs Outsourced should be balanced by a levy of tariff, to compensate for the loss to the economy. People have forgotten that the "Bottom Line" is America as a Country Not the Dollar that is it's Currency. Outsourcing might be good Capitolism, but it is rotten Patriotism.

Anyways Sorry... I seemed to have wandered. That happens when you live in an Economically Depressed region of the US, that has Seen almost all of it's Millenary Production resources Outsourced, its Tech Sector Emaciated by Outsourcing and it's Manufacturing Base as well.

Neal Stephenson had it right in "SnowCrash" America is going to be known best for Pizza and Music, and become a blotted and disfunction quilt of Corporate Enclaves eating each other into oblivious abandon, while the "World" watches it merrily go down the path to distruction. Even Rome eventually fell.
on Oct 12, 2004
on Oct 12, 2004
Hey, FireFox did the trick, no pops...

Anyway, I think heads will eventually roll. As for the goverment outsourcing I believe they do. I know NYC does.
on Oct 13, 2004
IE Crashes for me... I hate my computer.
on Oct 13, 2004
"America is going to be known best for Pizza and Music"
Bad pizza and bad music at that!
on Oct 14, 2004
I'm really sorry about all the pop-ups and such. I use Firefox and never saw any of that. I apologize.
on Oct 16, 2004
xp/sp2 IE popup blocker - on
e-link popup blocker - on
norton fwall popup blocker - on
weblinds popup blocker -on

What's a popup?
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