My oldest son wears same black, heavy, denim pants everyday. Every couple of days I insist he wash them. The thing about these black pants is the it has about ten straps going from one side to the other.
I noticed that there are a lot of kids these days wearing these strappy pants. My daughter has a pair, but they are of a very light fabric and are of a light color.
They do constantly get hung up on things and are constantly getting ripped off one end or the other. All the kids complain about it, I teach them how to sew, they get ripped again, and so on and on.
I'm from the Bell Bottoms and Nehru Jacket 60's. I still have my Goodyear tire bottom'ed leather sandals. So I've seen some wild fashion trends. Perhaps it's a sign of old age that I don't understand these straps. I don't understand why they are so popular.