with apologies to Dr Suess.
By the billions. We spray, vacuum, wash, clean, spray, medicate, flea collar, vacuum, spray. Nothing. They are absolutely freakin' everywhere. We decontaminated the cats when we brought them in from the outside, (see article #3) but something went horribly wrong. They are now in the main house. In every room. In every crack and crevice.
Seriously, we have tried every know flea killing product known to modern and stone age man. We have followed up 2 weeks later. We have done everything we can.
When I got home from work today, I set foot in the door and onto the floor. Whammo. Flea on my shin. That fast. I can't sit on the couch or in my favorite chair. They're everywhere. I cannot sit down on a box, I cannot sit down wearing socks. I cannot sit down here or there. I cannot sit down anywhere. I do not like these fleas I have. My jangled nerves I have to salve.
yeesh, okay, there's a reason that T.G. was Dr Suess and not D.W.
The cats have to go.